Professor Martin NDENDE elected Director of the CDMO
  • Le 08 February 2021
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Professor Martin NDENDE has been elected this Friday, February 5, 2021, Director of the Center for Maritime and Oceanic Law (CDMO) of the University of Nantes, from January 1, 2022.

Professor Martin Ndende Professor Martin NDENDE has been unanimously elected this Friday, February 5, 2021, Director of the Center for Maritime and Oceanic Law (CDMO) of the University of Nantes in France,
from January 1, 2022.                                      

This Center, which will celebrate its 50 years of existence (1970-2020), is the most important in this specialty in France, and undoubtedly one of the most renowned and prestigious in Europe and the world.

Among other scientific activities and missions, it trains high-level researchers in the PhD cycle, as well as lawyers specialized in the Master 2 cycle, on the "Law of the Sea", or on the "Law and Security of Maritime and Oceanic Activities".

Martin NDENDE, an internationally renowned expert with a rich academic career spanning 30 years, is a full professor of Private law and Criminal sciences at French universities, and he is particularly specialized in "Business Law and Law of Maritime Activities and Transport".

He is an Arbitrator at the Maritime Arbitration Chamber of Paris, but also a Counsel and Legal Expert to the United Nations, after having been seconded for 5 years as aSenior Legal Adviser at the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA).

Professor NDENDE, who also directs the Eurafrique Export Institute and teaches in several American and Canadian universities, is a Knight of the Order of Maritime Merit of the French Republic.

Mis à jour le 14 May 2021.