
The CDMO is a research centre recognised as a Phd students' host team (EA 1165). It encourages professors, professors' assistants and Phd students to unite behind legal matters linked to the sea :
  • Law of the sea and exploitation of the oceans
  • EU maritime transport law
  • Coastal law and protection of the maritime heritage
  • Port law
  • Maritime social law
  • Maritime insurances law
  • Marine environmental Law
  • Legal Maritime history
Courses are dispensed through different trainings, including a partnership with the French School of Maritime Safety and Administration (ENSAM).

The CDMO's scientific project is organised on the basis of four major themes:
  • Living ressources
  • Transport of goods
  • Maritime safety
  • Coastal zones and activities

The CDMO works in cooperation with:
  • l'Institut Universitaire Mer et Littoral (FR 3473 CNRS IUML), which is composed of various research teams of the University of Nantes and whose thematics are focused on maritime activities
  • the French School of Maritime Safety and Administration (ENSAM)
  • the French Maritime High School (ENSM)
  • Foreign research centres : Cardiff Law School, Scandinavian Institute of maritime Law Oslo, Institute of Maritime Law of Southampton, University of Athens, Maine-School of Law (USA), Campus do Mar of Vigo (Spain).
The CDMO organises national and international symposiums
  • International colloquium "Sea level rise and international law", June 15, 2021.
  • Plastic pollution of the oceans, June 1, 2021.
  • International final symposium Human Sea : Transforming the ocean law by requirement of the marine environment conservation. 15th & 16th October 2018, Nantes Events Center, France.
  • Seminar - Exploration and offshore oil and gas exploitation. Prevention and Civil liability, June 28, 2017 at Maison des Sciences de l'Homme Ange-Guépin de Nantes 
  • Seminar - The European dimension of maritime safety and security. Legal and operational aspects of sea action, October 26, 2017 at Maison des Sciences de l'Homme Ange-Guépin de Nantes
  • Seminar - Liability and Compensation for Transboundary Petroleum Damage from Offshore Installations, a side event organized during the "Arctic Frontiers 2018" Conferences - Connecting the Arctic. January 23, 2018 at Tromsø in Norway
  • Seminar - Oceanic Prospectives and Challenges - Biodiversity on the high seas - Environmental responsibility. March 28, 2018 at Maison des Sciences de l'Homme Ange-Guépin de Nantes
  • Economic challenge and new maritime risks management: what blue growth?, European research program ERC Human Sea and Marisk symposiums, October 3rd and 4th 2016, La Cité, Nantes Events Center, Human Sea Marisk
  • First Seminar of the  Research Network, Maritime Work Watch: Overview of Current Issues and future challenges in Maritime Labour Law, University of the Basque Country, Bilbao, Spain, 13th September 2016
  • Ocean spaces and maritime activities - Understand and teach legal developments, 16-17 June 2016 (programme)
  • Maritime areas: control and prevention of illegal traffics at sea, 5th-6th october 2015, Nantes Events Center,
  • New maritime routes: origins, evolutions and prospects, Scientific Days of the University of Nantes, 11th-12th june 2015,
  • Piracy : from the Sea to the Cyberspace, Scientific Days of the University of Nantes, 5th-6th june 2014,
  • ERIKA, PRESTIGE, and then?, Journées scientifiques de l'Université de Nantes, june 2013 (Proceedings in the 2014 ADMO, tome XXXII)
  • Fourth european symposium, maritime law research, September 29-30, 2006 (Proceedings in the 2007 ADMO)
  • La gestion rationnelle de la légine dans les Terres Australes et Antarctiques Françaises (TAAF), 2002 
  • Les évaluations des suites du naufrage de l'Erika, 2002 Mers, Loisirs et Droits, 2000, co-organised with the Law School of Ottawa, 1997
  • Pratique et politiques maritimes, mai 1994 
  • La protection sociale des gens de mer : de Colbert à l'harmonisation communautaire, 1989
Mis à jour le 23 February 2023.